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Lafayette College Student Government
February 28, 2002

An official meeting of the 2002 Student Government was held in the Farinon Center, Room 12 at 7:35pm. There were 13 members present.

Morgan Albus — President
Amy Giacobone — Vice President
Alex Karapetian — Secretary
Elizabeth Harris — Treasurer
Jonathan Cohn — Greek Liaison
Kate Dickie — Student Life
Lee Goldfarb — Community Affairs
Jenna Menard (excused) Multicultural Affairs
Andrew Van Raalte — Farinon Student Services
Jessica Rowlands — Academic Affairs
Charlotte Smith — Student Organizations
Kelly Smith — Public Relations
Brad Ship — Campus Student Services
Meredith Walburg — Student Life
Elizabeth Koskinen — Elections

I. President’s Report – Morgan Albus
B. Kate Dickie will attend all Senior Class Council Meetings as the Student Life Representative on behalf of the government.
C. Met with President Rothkopf regarding funding for ASB.
a. President Rothkopf will be in touch with Dean Krivoski regarding the matter.
D. All representatives must hand in their surveys given by the Provost to Morgan.
E. Will meet with the editor of the school newspaper on Monday regarding articles featuring the government.
F. Executive board members will meet with their appointed representatives once a month to track progress and improvement.
G. Pictures for the Yearbook will be on Thursday, March 14th at 9:05 p.m.

II. Vice President’s Report – Amy Giacobone
A. Researching speakers with Kate Dickie regarding drugs and drug-related issues.
B. Associate Rep Meeting
a). 14 Reps showed up to the meeting and 7 were in contact explaining why they were unable to attend. Spots are now available for replacements.
b). Emphasized attendance at Faculty Meetings and Student Government meetings.
c). Explained the importance of rep reports and attending respective committees.
C. Accepting applications for new replacement associate reps.
D. Upcoming Faculty Meeting on Tuesday, March 5th.
E. Contacted Professor Wooley for complete schedule of all faculty committee meetings to distribute to the associate reps.

III. Secretary’s Report – Alex Karapetian
A. All the keys for the government office must be picked up by March 1st or they will be recalled.
B. All government members that sign up for office hours must be there.
a.) Please keep the office clean during office hours.

IV. Treasurer’s Report – Elizabeth Harris
A. The Wine Society is here to present an emergency allocation.
MOTION to allocate $75 to the Wine Society

B. The Lafayette Dancers are here to present an emergency allocation.
MOTION to allocate $0 to the Lafayette Dancers

C. The Neuroscience club is here to present an emergency allocation.
MOTION to allocate $50 to the Neuroscience club

D. LEAD is here to present an emergency allocation.

V. Campus Student Services – Brad Ship
A. Will begin contacting people about putting washing machines on Flex
B. Have been attempting to contact Bruce Feretti.
C. Will contact Rae Sheynburg about recycling.

VI. Academic Affairs – Jessica Rowlands
A. Met with Dean Hutchinson and discussed student concerns and advising.
B. Met with Professor Bukics and discussed orientation and program concerns.
C. If there are any suggestions regarding parent weekend programs please feel free to contact Jess.

VII. Student Life – Meredith Walburg
A. Freshman Class Council is still working on their Spring Semi-Formal.
a). T-shirt sales are going well – only 25 remain.
b). On April 6th, all government members (not freshmen) are needed to assist at the Freshmen Class Semi-Formal.
B. Still working on the Drug Awareness Program
a). No word yet from the DEA.
C. In the process of making a Student Government T-shirt.

VIII. Student Life – Kate Dickie
A. Went to the Maroon Platoon Meeting.
a). They are supported by the “Sports Marketing Club.”
b). Maroon Platoon meetings are Mondays at 12:00 p.m. in the buttery room in Farinon.
c). Expressed concern about their publicizing techniques.
B. Met with Professor Hill regarding the Drug Awareness Speaker.
a). Received many contacts from her.

IX. Public Relations – Kelly Smith
A. Will begin working on the office calendar, including sign up spaces for Student Government members.

X. Student Organizations – Charlotte Smith
A. Still in the process of compiling a list of all current contacts of organizations.
B. Waiting on the Women’s Soccer Club to compile a member list and constitution.

XI. Community Affairs – Lee Goldfarb
A. Inquiring about volunteer opportunities at Dorney Park.

XII. Multicultural Affairs – Jenna Menard
A. Called all of the multicultural organizations to get general meeting times.
B. Introduced myself to Professor Weiner and am sure we will be in close contact.
B. Want to start a committee to begin talking about the diversity forum
a). Kelly, Lee, Brad, Kate, Alex, and Morgan all offered their assistance.
D. Contacted all presidents of multicultural organizations by e-mail and did not get any responses. Plan to get in touch with them again this weekend.

XIII. Greek Liaison – Jonathan Cohn
A. Met with Dean Worthen Monday, February 25th.
a). Discussed new rules regarding rituals.
b). Will be meeting soon for the STEPS committee.
c). Dean Worthen showed me how to register for parties according to the social planning guide.
d) Dean Worthen will soon respond to Student Government representing IFC and Panhel.
B. Called Jeff Weinstein again.
a). Will meet with him next week.

XIV. Farinon Food Services – Andrew Van Raalte
A. Contacting other colleges that are similar in size and cost regarding their meal plans and costs.

XV. Elections Chair – Elizabeth Koskinen
A. Met with Pam Brewer and discussed upcoming elections.
B. E-mailed Kate Yocum about further information about spring semester elections.

A. Please hand in all surveys that the Provost passed out to Morgan as soon as possible.
B. Pictures for the website will be taken after the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50pm. These are the official minutes of the Student Government.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alex Karapetian

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