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Former athletic director at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Steve Hurlbut ’79 has joined the Atlantic 10 as associate commissioner. His duties include scheduling for basketball and football, overseeing the Atlantic 10 Television Network as executive producer, and serving as tournament manager of the men’s basketball championship.

Exciting challenges as well as family considerations helped Hurlbut make the choice.

“Atlantic 10 produces all its own television, so I’ll oversee affiliate relations, production, talent, crewing–the entire process. We televise about 40 basketball games and six football games. This job gets me back into doing events, which I enjoy,” says Hurlbut, who was associate commissioner of the Northeast Conference from 1992-98. “What I’ll miss is being on a campus and dealing with the student-athletes day-to-day.”

A government and law graduate, Hurlbut has been sports information director at Juniata College and Georgetown University, and was assistant athletic director at University of Pennsylvania from 1988-92.

Hurlbut’s late father and grandfather, J. Stevens Hurlbut Jr. ’52 and Sr. ’28, are also Lafayette alumni.

Steve Hurlbut 1979

Steve Hurlbut ’79

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