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Student Government Meeting Minutes: Feb. 18, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 4:40 pm.

Minutes from 2/11/03 were approved.
Motion: Jon
Passes: Ryan

Lee Goldfarb, President — present
Liz Koskinen, Vice President — present
Jon Cohn, Treasurer — present
Charlotte Smith, Secretary — present
James LaBuz, Student Life — excused
Sarah Hazel, Student Life — present
Ryan Sakmar, Academic Affairs — present
Dan LaTerra, Greek Liaison — present
Josie Dykstra, Community Affairs — excused
Susan Anamier, Multicultural Affairs — present
Amy Schwartz, Election Chair — present
Ryan Lawlis, Student Organizations — present
Andrew Kasman, Campus Student Services — present
Aly Dewji, Farinon Student Services — excused
Colby Block, Public Relations — present

Lee Goldfarb — President
-Liz and I met with Neil McElroy about extending library hours.
-Met with John Leone and Jackie Jones from the alumni relations office to talk about more participation. Ryan Sakmar will be working with me on this project.
-Attended the All College Day meeting. We are looking for suggestions for bands.
-Prologue weekend was a huge success with great attendance.
-Just a reminder to keep up with office hours.

Liz Koskinen – Vice President
-Met with Karen Forbes about possible speakers for a lecture in early March.
-We are waiting to hear from Renfrew about a speaker on eating disorders.
-Associate Representative applications deadline is extended until Wednesday, February 11. Interviews will be held by Lee and I starting on Wednesday.
-Met with Neil McElroy about extending library hours for a few days during the week.

Charlotte Smith – Secretary
-Keys are ready for pick up in Plant Ops.

Jon Cohn – Treasurer
-Money allocation to MSE was tabled until a later date.
Motion: Ryan
Passes: Dan
-Allocated $0.00 to the Marquis Literary Magazine. We asked them to come back at a later date after they have found sponsors.
Motion: Charlotte
Passes: Amy

Ryan Sakmar – Academic Affairs
-A Faculty Tea is being held on Monday, March 10 at 4 pm pending on room reservations. Each Student Government member was asked to invite two professors.

Dan LaTerra — Greek Liaison
-Greek Week planning has begun. It will be at the end of March or in early April.
-Safe Rides is starting up again. Business cards will be handed out for easier access for rides.
-On March 10, Panhel is sponsoring an ex-Playboy Bunny who has AIDS to speak about AIDS.

Andrew Kasman — Campus Student Services
-Meetings with Hugh Harris and Bruce Feretti are being set up.
-The shuttle bus to the mall is on schedule.

Ryan Lawlis — Student Organizations
-There is a Math Club in the works. They will be in next week.
-A compilation of updated records of all organizations is being looked into.

Sarah Hazel — Student Life
-FCC sold carnations with messages attached for Valentines Day. It was very successful.
-Looking into planning a freshman ski trip sometime in the near future.
-FCC meeting time has been set for 7:00 pm on Mondays.

Susan Anamier — Multicultural Affairs
-The Prologue weekend was a success.
-Members that attended events for Prologue were thanked.
-Will be attending the next LINC meeting.
-Working with Liz to arrange a speaker on eating disorders.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:23 pm.

Faithfully Submitted,
Charlotte Smith

Categorized in: Students