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Manon Skrzypecki ’04 (Mattituck, N.Y.) had an unusual opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the professional world during an externship at Binney & Smith, the world-famous manufacturer of Crayola crayons.

Skrzypecki’s experience focused on the nuts and bolts of the machinery that produces Crayola crayons and other art supplies. She shadowed Michael Miletics ’95, manager of plant and corporate engineering at Binney & Smith, headquartered in Easton.

An electrical and computer engineering major, Skrzypecki was among about 200 Lafayette students who explored a wide variety of career fields by serving externships with alumni and other experienced professionals in January, during the winter break from classes. While shadowing the professionals at their workplaces, the students observed work practices, learned about careers they may consider entering after college, developed professional networking contacts, and built their resumes.

Skrzypecki says she enjoyed the experience, which helped familiarize her with the management and engineering of Binney & Smith’s facilities in Easton and Bethlehem.

Her aim was to learn a little about management, she says, but she expects to do her share of “dirty work” before reaching that professional goal.

“One meeting that I attended was in response to the company getting a new machine,” says Skrzypecki. “Every type of engineer was there, mechanical, environmental, etc.”

Miletics, who manages about 50 people, says his employees support the company’s manufacturing operations as well as maintaining facilities, grounds, and buildings. That includes supplying the technical expertise involved in the installment of new automation.

“We gave Manon an idea of what it’s all about. She attended a staff meeting and a director’s meeting. She also took plant tours and had an opportunity to speak with people about why she wants to be an engineer,” Miletics says. “I think it’s important for students to be exposed to real-life engineering in areas they want to be involved in. Externs get a snapshot of what it’s like to be part of a team.”

“At Binney & Smith, we strongly support the community and appreciate higher education’s role in a better community,” he says.

Skrzypecki was an extern during the previous January interim with John Olivo ’84, a partner at Ward & Olivo, in New York, N.Y.

She is a graduate of Mattituck-Cutch Union Free School.

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