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The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm. Thirteen members were present.

Minutes from March 1 were approved.

Motion: Bryan

Second: Veronica

Motion Passes

Brad Ship, President — present
Sarah Hazel, Vice President — present
Andrew Kasman, Treasurer — present
Amy Schwartz, Secretary — present
Kathleen Fox, Student Life — present
Meghan Hargrave, Student Life — present
Jillian Gaeta, Academic Affairs — excused
Katie Donnelly, Greek Liaison — present
Eric Imhof, Community Affairs — present
Amaya Henry, Multicultural Affairs — present
Meredith Finch, Student Organizations — present
Stephen Bruestle, Farinon Student Services — present
Bruno Defelippe, Elections Chair — excused
Veronica LaMura Public Relations — present
Bryan Shive, Campus Student Services — present

Brad Ship- President
-The student member for the Presidential Search Committee was chosen.

-The Sexual Assault Committee meeting will be held tomorrow at noon.

-A student attended the meeting expressing her concerns about the relations between Lafayette and the Easton community.

-Jim Klein attended the meeting and gave a report on the networking system.

-The Lafayette Car Club requested approval of organization.

-The Lafayette Social Gaming Network requested approval of organization.

-The Anime Club requested an emergency allocation of $294.30 to attend a trip to Washington, D.C.

-ACACIA requested an emergency allocation of $285 to attend a trip to Washington, D.C.

Sarah Hazel- Vice President
-Filled all Associate Representative positions.

-Working on the SG t-shirts.

Andrew Kasman- Treasurer
-Motion to allocate $294.30 to the Anime Club.

Motion: Brad

Second: Sarah

Motion amended to allocate $150 to the Anime Club.

Motion: Meri

Second: Brad

Motion is tabled until next meeting.

Motion: Amy

Second: Kathleen

-Motion to table the vote to allocate money to ACACIA.

Motion: Stephen

Second: Meghan

Motion Passes

-Motion to allocate $25 for a newspaper advertisement.

Motion: Sarah

Second: Veronica

Motion Passes

Meredith Finch- Student Organizations
-The constitution for the Lafayette Social Gaming Network was approved.

Motion: Meri

Second: Amaya

-Motion to table the vote to approve the Lafayette Car Club constitution.

Motion: Bryan

Second: Katie

Katie Donnelly- Greek Liaison
-Gave the dates of formal and date parties of the fraternities and sororities to Meghan.

Kathleen Fox- Student Life
-Met with Amy Ahart and Marie Enea. The date and location of the Spring Ball were approved. It will be on April 24th in the Wilson room of the Pfenning Alumni Center.

-FCC is still working on fundraising by selling t-shirts.

Meghan Hargrave- Student Life
-Met with Amy Ahart and Marie Enea. The date and location of the Spring Ball were approved. It will be on April 24th in the Wilson room of the Pfenning Alumni Center.

Eric Imhof- Community Affairs
-Lafapalooza will be on April 2nd and 3rd.

-Motion to allocate $200 to co-sponsor Lafapalooza.

Motion: Eric

Second: Amaya

Motion Passes

Stephen Bruestle- Farinon Student Services
-The Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges met to discuss the new ID Card system over interim.

-Met with Cindy Adams to discuss nutrition.

-Attended a food services discussion with Joe Binotto.

-Farinon and Marquis were inspected; improvements are being made.

-Meeting with Joe Binotto about the placement of the new vending machine in South Hall.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Motion: Katie

Second: Kathleen

Faithfully Submitted,
Amy Schwartz

Mar. 1, 2004
Feb. 23, 2004
Previous Minutes

Categorized in: Academic News