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The meeting was called to order at 4:17 pm. Twelve members were present.

Minutes from October 25 were approved.

Motion: Stephen

Second: Amaya

Motion Passes

Brad Ship, President — present
Sarah Hazel, Vice President — present
Andrew Kasman, Treasurer — present
Amy Schwartz, Secretary — present
Kathleen Fox, Student Life — present
Meghan Hargrave, Student Life — excused
Jillian Gaeta, Academic Affairs — present
Katie Donnelly, Greek Liaison — present
Eric Imhof, Community Affairs — present
Amaya Henry, Multicultural Affairs — present
Meredith Finch, Student Organizations — present
Era Fuchik, Farinon Student Services — excused
Stephen Bruestle, Elections Chair — present
Veronica LaMura, Public Relations — excused
Bryan Shive, Campus Student Services — present

Brad Ship- President
-Associate Representative Tara Walsh attended the meeting to report on issues presented by the Student Life Committee including the new residence hall, car usage on campus, and a new honor code.

-A new Social Life Committee has been formed.

Amy Schwartz- Secretary
-Office hours for the month of November were assigned.

Stephen Bruestle- Elections Chair
-Completed the Senior Class Council elections.

-Sent out letters to all students about running for the SG.

-Motion to discuss the following amendments to the SG constitution.

Motion: Stephen

Second: Andrew

Amend Article IV Section 1 Point B as follows:

Insert after “by the President” and “petitioning the President” the words: of the Student Government

Insert at the end of this point: The Dean of Students may when necessary request special meetings of the Student Government.

So it would read as follows:

B. Special meetings may be called by the President of the Student Government or one-third of the membership petitioning the President of the Student Government in writing. The Dean of Students may when necessary request special meetings of the Student Government.

Amend Article V as follows:

Strike: Freshman

Insert in its place: First Year Student

So it would read as follows:

Article V: Membership Composition

Regular representatives: The Student Government shall have fifteen (15) Regular Representatives. Five (5) shall be elected from the Freshman First Year Student class, five (5) shall be elected from the Sophomore class, and five (5) shall be elected from the Junior class. All representatives will be elected from the full-time students of Lafayette College. All of the Regular Representatives shall have the right to vote.

Amend Article VI Section 2 as follows:

Strike: the Monday and Tuesday of

Insert in its place: during

So it would read as follows:

Section 2: Time of Election of Regular Representatives

Election of Student Government Representatives shall take place the Monday and Tuesday of during the second week in November.

Insert Article VI Section 3 and repaginate the preceding Sections in order:

Section 3: Call for a Revote

In the regular meeting preceding the Election of Student Government Representatives or in a special meeting, in accordance with Article IV Section 1 Point B, the Student Government may call for a revote. The call for a revote shall require a three-fourths affirmative vote of all the voting Representatives of Student Government. The Student Government may also decide to call for a revote through petition from all the voting members of the Student Government to the President.

Amend Article VII Section 1 as follows:

Insert after the word “Secretary” the following phrase: or Treasurer

So it would read as follows:

Section 1: Eligibility A. All Sophomores and Juniors who are full-time students and are not on academic or disciplinary probation at Lafayette College and have been elected as a representative in the general election of that year, are eligible to become candidates for President and Vice-President of Student Government. If a student falls out of status of good standing, that person shall forfeit his/her position and a vacancy shall be declared.

B. Only regular representatives of Student Government are eligible to become candidates for Secretary or Treasure of Student Government.

Amend Article VII Section 1 as follows:

Insert after the word “Secretary” the following phrase: and Treasure

Insert after the phrase “newly elected” the phrase: and retiring

Section 2: Time of Election of Officers A. A General Election of Student Government President and Vice-President shall take place the Monday and Tuesday of the fourth week in November.

B. The Secretary and Treasure shall be elected by the newly elected and retiring Regular Representatives during the transition period.

The amendments will be discussed further by the Executive Board for recommendations to be given at the next meeting.

Meredith Finch- Student Organizations
-Approved the constitution of the Table Tennis Club.

Motion: Meri

Second: Eric

Motion Passes

-Approved the constitution of the Photography Club.

Motion: Sarah

Second: Amaya

Motion Passes

Kathleen Fox- Student Life
-Meeting with SAAC to discuss the Pep Rally.

-Meeting with clubs for Spirit Week.

-Meeting with Lafayette/Lehigh committee.

Amaya Henry- Multicultural Affairs
-On November 1st from 12-1pm, HSL is holding a “Day of the Dead Celebration” in Farinon.

-On Wednesday, Nov. 3rd from 12-1 there will be a lecture by the School of the Americas in Kirby 104.

-On Thursday, Nov. 4th at 8pm the Imani Winds Concert will be held in the Williams Arts Center.

-On Friday, Nov. 5th at 12pm, President Rothkopf will lead a discussion on leadership. SG members are encouraged to attend.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm.

Motion: Eric

Second: Amaya

Faithfully Submitted,
Amy Schwartz

Oct. 25, 2004
Oct. 18, 2004
Minutes archive

Categorized in: Students