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Information about the College Writing Program, which is seeking writing associate candidates for next fall, will be provided by several current writing associates at tables during lunchtime Tuesday and Wednesday in the Farinon Center.

The students will have flyers with the job description and hard copies of the application. They will answer questions about the nature of the job, the application process, etc.

The College Writing Program encourages students to apply for writing associate positions and faculty to nominate potential candidates.

Writing associates come from a variety of academic backgrounds, representing every major at Lafayette, including “undecided.” Most writing associates have a GPA of 3.0 or greater. While writing ability is important, the program also looks for students who read and listen well, have an intellectual interest in the process of writing, and have an open mind about how people write.

Benefits include:

· a well-earned stipend of $800 each semester
· working closely with faculty and other students on their writing
· a commitment of just one semester at a time
· experience that enriches any profession students enter after college.

Applications are due 4 p.m. Monday, March 28, in Pardee Hall room 316. Application forms are available in Pardee Hall rooms 316 and 319, or from the College web site: click on Academics, then College Writing Program, then Forms. Selected applicants will be invited via campus mail to interview after Monday, April 11.

Faculty who know students who may be qualified are asked to email Bianca Falbo, assistant professor of English, at falbob, or Beth Seetch, coordinator of the College Writing program, at seetchm. The professors will contact nominees with an invitation to apply to the program.

Questions can be directed to College Writing administrators:
Patricia Donahue, donahuep, ext. 5242, Pardee 302
Bianca Falbo, falbob, ext. 5243, Pardee 310
Beth Seetch, seetchm, ext. 5233, Pardee 319A
William Carpenter, carpentw, ext. 5227, Pardee 311

Categorized in: Academic News