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Class of ’78 will celebrate 30th reunion — by Lesley Kline ’09

This is the third time around for A.B. engineering graduate Alan Good ’78 to take on the responsibility of planning his class reunion. He chaired the 20th reunion and has volunteered as co-chair for the 25th and current reunion.

  • Online registration and extensive information are available on the Reunion web site.

Good says that the duties of being a co-chair are easier than they used to be thanks to the accessibility of others through email. He frequently sends out reminder emails encouraging his classmates to attend Reunion. According to Good, as reunion co-chair, he works with the College to make decisions such as where to hold the class dinner and what T-shirts to order. In order to plan accordingly, “I went last year to see how things have changed,” he says.

Good plans to have a class social in the afternoon on June 7th as an informal event. The more formal event with cocktails and dinner will be held in the evening.

As the social chair of his fraternity, Phi Delt, he came to enjoy planning parties, something he still loves to do. He is looking forward to seeing old faces and especially catching up with his fraternity brothers.

Civil engineering graduate Victor Angeline ’78 got involved in helping to organize the class reunions as a result of years of volunteering for the College. His roles have included class president, Phi Gamma Delta House Association president, guest lecturer for the civil engineering Construction Management Course, and Moot Court volunteer.

Angeline is looking forward to renewing old friendships with classmates, fraternity brothers, and teammates at Reunion.

“My fondest memory of attending the Reunions was when I sang with the band under the tent,” he says. “Once you get on campus, walk around, and begin conversing with classmates, you can’t believe so many years have passed. It brings back lots of memories.”

Good says that everyone should attend Reunion. “You never know who is going to come; you may run into someone who lived in your dorm,” he says.

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