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Local train service to New York City is possible in the future
Although any solid plans are years away, Pennsylvania and New Jersey officials are considering a proposal that would connect Phillipsburg, and possibly Easton, to New York City via a new train service.
The possible service was discussed at a meeting held on campus last week, which was attended by local city council members, the mayors of Easton and Phillipsburg, and a number of state and U.S. congressmen. The consensus among the group was that a service is plausible due to the increasing demand for public transportation from rising gas prices and the fact that New Jersey Transit is planning to build a new tunnel into Manhattan.
The group’s main goal was to identify possible obstacles and strategies to overcome them. Funding sources, environmental issues, and track building and repair were some major points of deliberation. It was decided that a commission would be formed to look at these issues on a more long-term basis.
A $1.2 million study approved by the NJ Transit’s board is examining transportation improvements in the state’s Raritan Valley and Interstate 78 corridor. The study, which will be completed by the end of the year, considers the possibility of providing train service from Phillipsburg to existing lines at High Bridge or Hackettstown. Officials will use the conclusions of this study to guide their course of action.