Alana Taylor '11
For the first time in its one-year history, Spotted on Campus caught up with a two-sport student-athlete. Volleyball player and track and field member Alana Taylor fills Leopard fans in on the demands of two sports, Psychology and more.
What classes are you taking this summer? I’m taking an Anthropology class called Deviance. So far I really like it!
What’s your major and what do you like about your major? My major is Psychology and I like it because I think it applies to every career, which is good because I don’t know what I want to do yet! Plus, I find it really interesting. I’m also working towards a minor in Anthropology and Sociology.
What’s been the most interesting out-of-classroom experience or project you’ve been a part of at Lafayette? Freshman year when the presidential election was going on I was in Democrats Club and went around the library getting people to register to vote. It was a little intimidating (and probably really annoying) bugging strangers at the library as a freshman, but I was really into the election so I did it!
Best part about being a two-sport student-athlete? All of the different people you get to know.
Hardest part about being a two-sport student-athlete? The hardest thing is that they inevitably overlap and you miss things in one for the other, so you can never really be 100 percent on both teams.
What is your earliest volleyball memory? Earliest track memory? My earliest volleyball memory is my first game ever in sixth grade. It was our first game and I started us off with a bunch of aces using my killer underhand serve! I definitely felt really cool that day.
My first track memory would be in eighth grade. My middle school held a day-long track meet for all of the middle schools in the area and we had to pick three events and one of mine was the javelin!
What can you take from your sports and incorporate into everyday life? I’d say two big things you learn from sports are being able to work with other people and not letting one mistake or bad day discourage you from trying again.
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What do you still wish to accomplish (on or off the court or track)? During my first two seasons of volleyball, we have split with our two biggest rivals, Lehigh and Bucknell. I would love nothing more than to sweep them both! As for track, PR-ing is always nice!
Most embarrassing thing that’s happened to me on the court or track is: This spring during our spring volleyball scrimmage, I was going to the middle for a between-points cheer, and tripped over my own feet and ended up falling on my butt in the middle of the court. I guess I was just too excited!
For track, it would probably be at Patriot Leagues (at Bucknell) when the medal ceremony had to be postponed because I was at the local coffee shop across campus (where else?) and had to frantically run back after getting an urgent call from my coach saying they were waiting for me.
Something about me that others would be surprised to hear is: I was really involved in music as a kid and in fourth grade, I was in a children’s choir that performed at the biggest theatre in Portland and recorded a CD!
One place in the world I want to visit and why: New Zealand because I’ve heard its beautiful and also that it has really good bungee jumping, which I have always wanted to do.
Best vacation I ever took was: After I graduated from high school, a friend and I went to Europe with one backpack each and zero plans. We ended up making it to seven countries and had a million crazy adventures!
Pool or beach? Pool. I love to swim. Unless it’s Canon Beach (my favorite beach in Oregon).
My role model or inspirational person: Elizabeth Gilbert (who wrote Eat Pray Love) because I love traveling and would love to do what she did! And of course, there is always Jillian Michaels…
Most famous person I’ve ever met: I haven’t really met anyone famous, but if I did, I would want to meet Meryl Streep!
Food you can’t live without: Either PB & J sandwiches or lattes.
Favorite TV show as a kid: Doug
Favorite place to shop: Portland Saturday Market
Song that’s currently playing on repeat on my iPod: Wonderwall
Word Association:
Lafayette: Balance
Volleyball: Unity
Track: Variety
Lafayette-Lehigh: Intensity
Teammates: Laughter