Kelly Clyde ’11
Kelly Clyde ’11 (Marlton, N.J.), a member of the track and field team, talks about psychology, leadership, and how much she enjoys Sporcle.
What’s your major and what do you like about your major?
I’m a psychology major and I like studying human behavior and the different ways of interpreting it. There are a variety of classes offered so there is always something new and interesting to learn.
One class every Lafayette student should try to take is…
…Intro to Psychology with Professor John Shaw. He’s so entertaining and the class itself is really interesting.
What are your plans after graduation?
Graduate school for a master’s degree in school psychology
In what ways can a senior be a leader in a sport like track and field?
Although track and field is mostly individual, you turn to your teammates for support and encouragement. Along with this, the best way to lead is by example. If my teammates see that I’m working hard every day to get the most out of our training, they’ll be encouraged to do the same.
Sport you would play other than your own?
Soccer: I played all through high school, and I love it.
What are the worst weather conditions you have ever competed in?
Probably an extremely strong head wind and freezing rain; the combination does not make for a very pleasant meet for any event.
If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Spain: I would love to make use of my Spanish minor; it would definitely help me with the language, and I’ve heard it’s a lot of fun.
Something about me that others would be surprised to hear is…
..I can name all the countries in the world thanks to Sporcle.
Favorite reality TV show?
The Biggest Loser
Your celebrity look-alike:
I’ve had a few people tell me I remind them of Jenna Fischer – Pam from The Office.