Xinwei Xu '13 in London
As a Chinese citizen studying international affairs at an American college, Xinwei Xu ’13 is gaining a clearer perspective on both countries.
“The world is becoming smaller and smaller under globalization, so I think it’s important for you to have a global perspective, and to start by understanding what the two biggest powers on earth seem to think are good ideas,” he says.
Now, Xu is adding another facet to that global perspective, as he spends this academic year studying at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he is taking classes in economics, finance, and history.
“It really has the best to offer in both of these fields that fascinate me,” says Xu, who is also majoring in economics. “I’ve always had a strong interest in global affairs and especially the intricate relationship between countries.”
Xu says that the interdisciplinary nature of his majors have given him a more thorough comprehension of current global events, allowing him to not only understand developments on the world stage, but to draw conclusions about where those developments will lead next.
After Lafayette, Xu is interested in finding a career path that capitalizes on both of his majors—perhaps a job with the World Bank or a consulting firm specializing in international economics. He expects to come away from his year in London with a more diverse perspective on world events and a more solid knowledge of economics.
“I hope this program can help me broaden my horizons and learn also to think like a European, which hopefully can help me navigate better in a future career that’s based on a global platform.”
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this is superb
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