Men’s lacrosse player Brendan Gover ’14 (Somerset, N.J.) discusses the real-world applications of economics, a future career in finance, and the importance of being a well-rounded person.
What do you enjoy about your major?
It challenges me to think outside the box about abstract concepts that still have relative application to the real world.

Brendan Gover ’14 takes on a Navy player.
What is your favorite class (or professor) and why?
Any class with Professor Howard Schneiderman, he is the wisest/most intelligent person I have ever met.
What is your passion, and how has Lafayette enabled you to pursue it?
I try to be as well rounded as I can be, and Lafayette has really let me flourish in a bunch of different areas and challenged me to take on as many roles as I can.
Do you have any post-graduation plans?
Get a job in finance and hopefully go back to school for my MBA at some point.
How has the team progressed during the fall season?
We have strong junior and senior classes and some really talented younger guys to fill in the gaps. The sky is the limit.
If you could play any opponent in the country, who would it be and why?
Syracuse. They have more tradition than any other program and play in the best venue in college lacrosse – The Carrier Dome.
You are entering your second year as a captain. What did you learn in that role as a junior?
Obviously everyone on the team has to be held to a high standard but everyone is very different, and everyone should be treated as such.
What is it like to play for coach Rogalski?
He’s hard on us but holds everyone accountable, which forces us to continue to work toward our full potential.
What is your favorite spot on campus (or in Easton) and why?
Wherever I can sit quietly and watch videos on Vine, but Kirby Library is my favorite physical place.
What song/band/album is most likely to be playing on your iPod?
Bruce Springsteen
What movie can you quote word for word?
Wedding Crashers
Who is most famous person you have ever met?
Lawrence Taylor
Celebrity Doppelganger: Justin Bartha
Go-to karaoke song: “American Pie”
Nickname: BG8
Favorite Meal: I could eat Chipotle burritos every day for the rest of my life
Words to Live By: “Success only comes before work in the dictionary.”