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'My Lafayette education has taught me about the importance of voting and how to make an informed decision'
We asked students who are voting in a U.S. presidential election for the first time: What is one thing from your Lafayette education you are applying or thinking about as you vote?
Sam Jeske ’21 government and law; anthropology and sociology
“During my time at Lafayette, I’ve had the opportunity to learn, research, and write at length about voting and election policies across the United States. Through this work, I’ve realized the importance of voting and how precious of a right it is. While voting, I will be thinking about all of those in America who do not have this right because of discriminatory policies and suppression, and I hope my vote will elect individuals who will fight to extend the crucial right to vote to as many citizens as possible.”
Fiona Simpson ’22
government and law; international affairs
“My Lafayette education has taught me about the importance of voting and how to make an informed decision when it comes to elections. When I am voting I think about the societal, environmental, and economic effects that will result from the choice I make. I have learned about these effects extensively during my time at Lafayette.”
Deja Jackson ’23 computer science
“During my time at Lafayette, I have had the opportunity to engage with various political perspectives both through extracurricular clubs and campus-sponsored events. My exposure to these perspectives have provided me with the information that I need to determine my own political beliefs.”
Maura Sweeney ’21 chemical engineering
“Throughout my time at Lafayette, I’ve taken a variety of classes in multiple areas of study, which has enabled me to view different perspectives on how policies and decisions have shaped our country over time. When voting, I make sure to choose candidates whose values and platforms allow for the creation of positive changes in this country that will help make our lives better, both now and for everybody in the future.”
Marco Wertheimer ’21 government and law
“One aspect from my Lafayette education that I am considering as this election approaches is Professor Van Dyck’s lessons from his course on Regime Change. His teachings on the time-tested vulnerability of democracies to sudden disintegration have reminded me of the importance of voting for the party which will best fight to safeguard our weakening democratic institutions.”
Charlie Brownstein ’21 government and law; geology
“Through my education at Lafayette I have learned about the experiences of marginalized groups who have experienced extreme pain caused by American institutions, particularly those who have been impacted by mass incarceration and the war on drugs. We need politicians in office who do not only fight for wealthy white men. Voting is especially important this year, as we are in the midst of multiple crises and need politicians who will treat all Americans as equal. I am voting with the hopes that America can begin to repair itself and implement policies to repair deeply broken systems.”
Engaged Community
Election 2020
Lafayette students, faculty, and staff have shared expertise and encouraged conversation during the 2020 political season