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Professor John KincaidJanuary 2021 has been one for the history books. While the nation and world await the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States, Senate runoff victories in Georgia and an unprecedented insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 have called for round-the-clock coverage of political proceedings.

John Kincaid, Robert B. and Helen S. Meyner Professor of Government and Public Service has been called upon by the media a number of times in recent weeks, providing expert insight on these topics and how they may affect outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump’s final days in office or his political ambitions moving forward:

  • WFMZ-TV 69 News: “The framers of the Constitution felt that the executive of United States needed this power,” said Kincaid said in regards to the President having the power to grant federal pardons.
  • WFMZ-TV 69 News: “There are limited things you can put to a reconciliation bill, and that’s limited mostly to taxing and spending items,” Kincaid said in regards to President-Elect Joe Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion stimulus plan.
  • WFMZ-TV 69 News: “Impeachment proceedings would certainly anger Trump supporters and so that may motivate them to come out and demonstrate during the inauguration, or even earlier,” Kincaid said in regards to Rep. Susan Wild stating she will vote to impeach Trump.
  • The Daily Local: “[Impeachment is] unlikely to happen, given that Vice President Pence and 11 Cabinet members would have to send a certification to Congress that would then require a two-thirds majority in both chambers,” Kincaid said about the chances of impeachment. Kincaid also shared this sentiment with WFMZ-TV.
  • WFMZ-TV 69 News: “This is historically unprecedented because it would be a two-year period in which the vice president would be the tiebreaker and vote in the Senate,” Kincaid said about the Georgia Senate runoffs. “That will give her a lot of bargaining leverage not only with the Senate but also with President Biden because she has to cast the tie-breaking vote.”


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