Interested in Volunteering?
- The Landis Center’s America Reads team is coordinating another opportunity for Lafayette students to volunteer in local schools. Students can sign up for Literacy Day on April 2. Learn more information and sign up.
Watch WFMZ-TV's news coverage, featuring Lafayette guest readers who read to Easton elementary school students
Carl Smith volunteered to be a guest reader at March Elementary School
WFMZ-TV produced a news segment on Read Across America Day, featuring Lafayette students reading to children at March Elementary School. The Landis Center for Community Engagement organized the event, which is part of a national reading program designed to engage kids in reading books. Twenty-eight Lafayette students participated in the program and read books at three Easton elementary schools.
Carl Smith ’23, a psychology major and member of the men’s football team, and Cole Dutton ’22, an economics major and member of the men’s lacrosse team, were interviewed on camera by the news outlet.
The Landis Center coordinates a team of student civic leaders who coordinate volunteer programs and opportunities in the local, regional, and global community. We facilitate the community engagement activities of student clubs, Greek organizations, and athletic teams who want to share their specialized skills and knowledge with the Easton Community.