Through her research, Nadia Manasfi '23 seeks to understand everyday health experiences of trans individuals and generate resolutions for change
Each summer, Lafayette College students have the opportunity to participate in academically meaningful experiences outside the classroom. Students selected as EXCEL Scholars engage in collaborative research projects with Lafayette faculty, enhancing their academic skills as well as developing other skills that will be useful in post-graduate education and careers. This summer, we are highlighting several scholars who are working on hands-on, collaborative research projects with faculty and other students.
Nadia Manasfi ’23 is studying the everyday health experiences of trans individuals
“Transgender individuals experience what we call ‘minority stressors,’ in which they face additional stressors alongside everyday tensions every human being faces. These stressors give rise to mental and physical health concerns because trans folks do not have access to resources that privileged individuals have. My fellow student researcher Annika Murray ’23 and I looked at data from 50 interviewed transgender folks about their health care access and experiences. The goal of our research was to understand everyday health experiences of trans individuals and generate resolutions for change recommended by our participants. Recommendations provided by those affected by this issue the most are the most effective to start tackling this systemic issue.”
“I am personally interested in the lived experiences of trans folks across different organizations (e.g., health care, education, incarceration, etc.) and how we could advocate to improve their everyday lives. I am doing this project because health care is a basic human right that not all marginalized individuals get to have. The trans community is an understudied population that needs all the advocacy it could get.”
“I got involved in this project after being introduced to it during Dr. Mann’s Psychology of Gender class. My adviser is a great mentor. She was very excited and welcoming once I mentioned my interest in her research, and I soon started working with her right after. She gets me involved in work I had no direct experience in before, because she knows it is a great learning opportunity for me. She has given me new perspectives on trans topics because she is very experienced in this field.”
“Broadly speaking, trans individuals experience a lot of discrimination in the health care system. We hope our results would add to the literature addressing this issue in order to advocate for their rights and needs.”
“I will be continuing to work on this project next year for my joint honors senior thesis.”
“I am hoping to apply to public health/health psychology Ph.D. programs that focus on trans folks’ health care access, and this experience is definitely of great help.”