Katherine Stafford smiles

Research area: My research studies Spain as a post-conflict society, and analyzes how Spain narrates and communicates about its past Civil War and dictatorship in cultural production (literature, film, art, etc.).

My Lafayette journey: I started at Lafayette College as a visiting professor because my husband (who works in the same field) was working at Muhlenberg College. After a few years, a tenure track position opened up, and I applied. I feel very lucky and grateful to have this job! What I most like about Lafayette College is the freedom it has provided me to pursue my passions in teaching. I feel like I have always been supported when I want to try new things in teaching, from curating a rephotography exhibit, to leading a group of engineers in a study abroad program to Madrid. I also am constantly inspired and so impressed by my colleagues. I work with some very impressive and wonderful human beings. 

What I will be teaching in the fall: I am teaching a course on how migration is portrayed in Spanish film, photography, and literature. (SPAN 343 Images of Immigration in Spain), a First-Year Seminar titled “Adaptation (in the Humanities).” I also will be teaching SPAN 112 Advanced Intermediate Spanish. 

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