Lehighvalleynews.com featured Acopian Technical Co., an electronic power supplies business with deep ties to Lafayette College, in a series of articles for World Space Week highlighting local companies that are supporting Artemis, NASA’s flagship program to get people back to the moon.

The article quotes Alex Karapetian ’04, president of Acopian Technical Co., and his uncle, Jeff Acopian ’75, about how their Palmer Township-based company has been a NASA contractor since 1969 and looks forward to supporting the next generation of lunar missions. 

The Acopian family of Lafayette alumni has helped transform Lafayette’s engineering programs. Jeff Acopian’s father, Sarkis Acopian ’51 (1926-2007), graduated from Lafayette with a degree in mechanical engineering and founded the Acopian Technical Co. in 1957. Sarkis and his wife, Bobbye, made a generous gift to Lafayette that resulted in a complete renovation of the 90,000-square-foot Acopian Engineering Center, which was dedicated in 2003.

Read the article.


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