Lafayette students shared their time, energy, and expertise with several community organizations in the last few weeks.
By: Kelly Huth
In between classes, practices, meetings, and studying, Lafayette students share their time and talents by volunteering in Easton and surrounding communities. Over the last several weeks, Landis Center for Community Engagement coordinated events that sent student volunteers to several nonprofits, community organizations, and schools. Here are just a few of the spots where Lafayette Leopards popped up recently:
Students, including athletes from men’s and women’s lacrosse, softball, and baseball, as well as members of DKE, APO, and other student groups volunteered as “buddies”to Miracle League players on a baseball team that Lafayette College sponsored. Members of the baseball team also participated in Miracle League’s trick-or-treat event Oct. 28.
Students and staff were up before dawn Nov. 4 to help set up PA Bacon Fest. Volunteers also assisted during the festival, which is an annual fundraiser that supports the nonprofit Greater Easton Development Partnership.
Thirty local families visited campus for a trick-or-treat event Oct. 31 hosted by Alpha Phi Omega, Chi Phi, Delta Upsilon, Pi Beta Phi, and Landis Center. Visitors trick-or-treated at South College, Skillman Library, Markle Hall, Hugel Science Center, Farinon Student Center, Marquis Hall, Acopian Engineering, March Field, and Kirby Hall of Civil Rights.
Lafayette students participated in the Gracedale Nursing Home trick-or-treat event. Students wore costumes and handed out candy to local children alongside Gracedale residents.

Lafayette students helped Gracedale residents hand out candy for Halloween.
Nine Connected Classrooms events are scheduled on campus for fall 2023. Connected Classrooms is an initiative run through the Landis Center that partners Lafayette faculty members with teachers in the Easton Area School District. Lafayette students create a lesson to teach to the elementary school class. Easton students then enjoy a campus tour, and lunch with Lafayette student-athletes.

Lafayette students worked with Easton Area School District students as part of the Connected Classrooms program.
Lives could potentially be saved thanks to blood donated by students, staff, and faculty during a blood drive coordinated by Landis Center and Miller-Keystone.