Ge (Frank) Xia

Ge (Frank) Xia | Photo by Adam Atkinson

Research area: My main research focus is on the design and analysis of algorithms. I have concentrated much of my work on two key areas: parameterized computation and computational geometry. Recently, I have extended my expertise to address challenges in various applied fields, such as robotics, big data processing, machine learning, wireless computing, and bioinformatics. My aim is to develop algorithms that are not only theoretically sound but also practically useful. 

My Lafayette journey: I joined Lafayette College in 2005 after earning my Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. I have a passion for teaching undergraduate students in a liberal arts college environment. Some of my most rewarding experiences have been making new discoveries with my student collaborators and co-authoring papers with them.

What receiving a full professorship means to me: Achieving full professorship is a significant milestone in my career. It also marks the first full professorship within the Lafayette Computer Science Department. The department continues to expand, and I anticipate that more full professors will follow.

What I will be teaching in the fall: This fall, I will be teaching CS 202: Analysis of Algorithms, a core course that I have taught multiple times. This required course for all CS majors provides a strong foundation in algorithm design and analysis. A key component of the course is students implementing a fundamental set of graph algorithms from scratch. As the course progresses, students will expand this toolkit, incorporating new algorithms and applying them to solve real-world problems.

Learn more about faculty who have been promoted to the rank of professor.

Categorized in: Academic News, Computer Science, Faculty and Staff, Faculty Profiles, Faculty Research, News and Features

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