Jul 20, 2001
Recent Faculty Publications (07/20/2001)
Coauthored with Students: Laurie F. Caslake, Assistant Professor of Biology (coauthors Daniel J. Connolly ’02; Catriona Mhairi Duncanson ’02; Vilas Menon…
Coauthored with Students: Laurie F. Caslake, Assistant Professor of Biology (coauthors Daniel J. Connolly ’02; Catriona Mhairi Duncanson ’02; Vilas Menon…
A new slate of Lafayette fund officers assumed volunteer leadership positions July 1. Bethlehem resident Robert Yohe ’58 is chair of the Annual Fund. He…
Brenda J. Latka, associate professor of mathematics, was selected to participate last month in the annual reading and scoring of the College Board’s Advanced…
Paying close attention in class has paid off for civil engineering major Jennifer Murno ’02 (Wayne, N.J.) in her internship at Edwards & Kelcey, Inc. in…
Using the Java programming language to create web-based internal and external applications, computer science majors Vielyana Yuwono ’02 (Jatim, Indonesia)…
Before and after the Spanish conquest, indigenous Andean people used Andean khipus, — knotted, colored cords — to record various types of information.…
Civil engineering hydrology is the focus of the internship that Todd Baldwin ’02 (Allentown, Pa.) is enjoying at Taylor, Wiseman and Taylor this summer…
Since he was five years old, Ajay Hirani ’04 has been fascinated with the stars, so mysterious “because they’re far away and you don’t know much about…
A chemistry major who’s interested in drug development is getting a taste of research this summer by testing over-the-counter medicines in the chemistry…
Math is a vast, rich field of opportunities for anyone with the curiosity to explore it, says one student immersed in an EXCEL research project this summer…