Jul 30, 2019
Our Beautiful Campus
Recent aerial photographs of Lafayette's beautiful campus
Recent aerial photographs of Lafayette's beautiful campus
Bob Weiner, Jones Professor of History and Jewish chaplain, is scheduled to appear on “Lehigh Valley Discourse” Thursday at 6 p.m. on WDIY 88.1 FM…
Enjoy images of the Percussion Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra, Contemporary Music Ensemble, and Concert Choir and Chamber Singers in their year-end concerts…
A student-faculty team is conducting food spherification research, transforming food into colorful, spherical globules, ready, after a quick rinse and…
Easton held its annual Heritage Day on July 14. The celebration marks the fact that at noon July 8, 1776, Easton was one of three places where the Declaration…
Women's basketball student-athlete Naomi Ganpo '22 discusses her summer internship at Cooper Medical School of Rowan Medical School, where she is exploring…
Chawne Kimber, professor of mathematics, is a celebrated textile artist who exhibits quilts and embroidery in museums, galleries, and festivals all over…
Katie McConnell has been named head coach of the Lafayette women's lacrosse program. She was named the 2019 MAAC Coach of the Year after three seasons…
By Bryan Hay A new bachelor of science in engineering (BSE) degree program will be offered beginning this fall, providing students with increased opportunities…
By Bryan Hay Behind every cardiologist and cardiac surgeon are engineers working to perfect ways to monitor the functions of the most essential organ in…