Feb 8, 2023
Prof. Robert S. Mattison finalizes online catalog of artist Franz Kline
Robert S. Mattison, Marshall R. Metzger Professor of Art History, Finalizes Online Catalog of Artist Franz Kline
Robert S. Mattison, Marshall R. Metzger Professor of Art History, Finalizes Online Catalog of Artist Franz Kline
Lafayette joins national program to practice proper recycling and waste minimization strategies.
In a celebration of community and the possibilities of ‘and,’ Lafayette College hosted more than 1,300 Easton Area School District students for School…
Meredith McGee '23, president of Lafayette College's Lavender Lane, quoted in Inside Higher Ed article about how colleges and universities are creating…
WFMZ-69 News, PoliticsPA carry Prof. John Kincaid's views on election of state and federal House speakers
Prof. Ian Smith featured on Folger Shakespeare Library's podcast
Justin Corvino, Anthony Cummings, and Helena Silverstein were recently named to endowed professorships
Prof. John Kincaid interview by WFMZ-69 News about implications of committee's actions
Prof. Julie Smith tells NPR's Marketplace that the 2% inflation target originated in New Zealand
Luke Goodhope ’24, Jack Kerekes ’24, and Jelissa Kamguem ’23 came back to Lafayette with awards for their poster presentations