Dec 15, 2008
Jacqueline Macri ’09 Explores Unsung Women Composers
Music and psychology major writes about her work as an EXCEL Scholar with Jennifer Kelly, assistant professor of music Jacqueline Macri ’09 (Malvern…
Academic News
Music and psychology major writes about her work as an EXCEL Scholar with Jennifer Kelly, assistant professor of music Jacqueline Macri ’09 (Malvern…
Technology Clinic is working on exhibits and marketing for proposed flood museum Students in this year’s Technology Clinic are working with the New York-based…
Art major Jon Canter ’11 writes about his work with local children to produce a sculpture for Easton’s Breast Cancer Awareness Garden Art major Jon…
Robert Peoples ’08, one of many students Fried has mentored in research, co-authored a chapter Bernard Fried, Kreider Professor Emeritus of Biology,…
He writes about his radio astronomy research with Lyle Hoffman, professor and head of physics Peiyuan Mao ’11 (Yangzhou Jiangsu Province, China), a double…
Neuroscience major and Professor Wendy Hill will present research at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual meeting Neuroscience…
He discusses journalism, politics, and more with students who took part in Lafayette’s live election-night broadcast Nov. 4 Links for this article will…
Biology major performs drug research as a summer intern for the national Hepatitis B Foundation Biology major Elizabeth Clearfield ’09 (Southampton,…
Amanda Smith ’10 writes about her digital design work with Lew Minter, director of the media lab Amanda Smith ’10 (Henderson, Nev.), a double major…
College teams earn three of four top places A team of three Lafayette students earned first place in the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges…