May 9, 2002
Grants Awarded for Information Literacy
Five professors were recently awarded grants to integrate information literacy components into their classes. In collaboration with librarians, the faculty…
Academic News
Five professors were recently awarded grants to integrate information literacy components into their classes. In collaboration with librarians, the faculty…
Shanna Stann '02 (Coudersport, Pa.), a double major in Russian & East European Studies and International Affairs, is wrapping up an independent study on…
Lafayette professors of physics, chemical engineering, and civil and environmental engineering have received a $49,832 grant from the National Science…
Lafayette engineering students will present their final recommendations on the future of the Borough of Alpha’s aging John Dolak Memorial Pool 7:30 p.m…
“Expanding Horizons,” an exhibition of works by four Lafayette studio art majors is on view through May 25 in the Grossman Gallery of Lafayette’s Williams…
Marquis Scholar Chantal Pasquarello '02 recently made a presentation on “Immigration to Italy and Its Consequences: The Albanian Case Study” at the 16th…
Trustee Scholar Cassidy Ludlow ’03 (Groton, N.Y) is studying different types of insulating materials that protect alloys used in fusion reactions. The…
Arnold Offner, Cornelia F. Hugel Professor of History at Lafayette, is the author of a major new book that provides a stunning reassessment of President…
The art department will host a public reception 5-6:30 p.m. today for “Expanding Horizons,” an exhibition of works by four seniors pursuing honors in studio…
Ten Lafayette students returned last week with valuable experience from the National Forensics Association National Tournament at Berry College in Rome…