Aug 7, 2019
National Book Lovers Day
By Kathleen Parrish National Book Lovers Day is your excuse to find your favorite reading spot and devote Friday to enjoying a good book. Here are some…
Academic News
By Kathleen Parrish National Book Lovers Day is your excuse to find your favorite reading spot and devote Friday to enjoying a good book. Here are some…
By Stephen Wilson Regan Kinney ’20 stands on top of an overturned bucket so she can reach the top of her canvas—an exterior fiberboard panel 8 feet…
By Stephen Wilson It’s a damp morning after an evening downpour, and dense gray clouds loom above the park pavilion. A car pulls up and two kids bound…
Bob Weiner, Jones Professor of History and Jewish chaplain, is scheduled to appear on “Lehigh Valley Discourse” Thursday at 6 p.m. on WDIY 88.1 FM…
Emily Emick '20 took conducting lessons and conducted the Concert Choir in rehearsals and at its spring concert with the song she chose, “O Lux Beatissima”…
A student-faculty team is conducting food spherification research, transforming food into colorful, spherical globules, ready, after a quick rinse and…
By Stephen Wilson Nearly 10,000 people living within 1 square mile. The majority are younger than 43 years of age, two-thirds of whom are in rental properties…
By Bryan Hay A new bachelor of science in engineering (BSE) degree program will be offered beginning this fall, providing students with increased opportunities…
By Kathleen Parrish You don’t have to sit in a Lafayette classroom to hear Joseph Shieber deliver a lecture on knowledge, the different ways we acquire…
By Bryan Hay Behind every cardiologist and cardiac surgeon are engineers working to perfect ways to monitor the functions of the most essential organ in…