Jan 17, 2002
The Marquis Mailer – January 17, 2002
Marquis MailerVolume 2, Issue 5January 17, 2002 Get your new year off to a nice start by joining alumni at events from New Jersey to California. It’s a…
Marquis MailerVolume 2, Issue 5January 17, 2002 Get your new year off to a nice start by joining alumni at events from New Jersey to California. It’s a…
The Tau Chapter House of Zeta Psi fraternity has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in 1909-10, the large stone building on…
A biography of former Lafayette basketball coach William “Butch” van Breda Kolff written by alumnus Paul Luscombe ’60 has just been published. The book…
Alumni who are parents of current students and their sons and daughters attending Lafayette were honored at a reception and dinner Sept. 21 in Marquis…
Alan R. Griffith ’64, vice chairman of the Bank of New York, became the new chair of Lafayette’s Board of Trustees on July 1 (2001). A trustee since 1994…
A new slate of Lafayette fund officers began volunteer leadership positions July 1. The Annual Fund and Marquis Society chairs are continuing positions…
“Our goal is to strengthen the bond between current students and alumni, encourage continuous and timely communication between students and alumni, and…
A star-studded induction class includes standout student-athletes Heidi Caruso '94, Tony Duckett '85, Frank Kirkleski '27, and Erik Marsh '95, and former…
When tucking his children in bed, Henry Ryder ’67 lulled them to sleep with Lafayette songs like the alma mater and “Way Down in Easton.” He insists, however…
Forty-four undergraduate and alumni members of the Lafayette chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity ran in a 5K race in Washington, D.C. April 22, together…