Nov 23, 2014
Roaring Pride in a Stadium of Victory
By Geoff Gehman ’80 On Saturday afternoon, Kaitlyn Lutz ’18 stood near Yankee Stadium’s giant video board, a pixel-popping vision in a leopard-spotted…
By Geoff Gehman ’80 On Saturday afternoon, Kaitlyn Lutz ’18 stood near Yankee Stadium’s giant video board, a pixel-popping vision in a leopard-spotted…
The 150th meeting in college football’s most-played rivalry is two days away. The Leopards will take on Lehigh at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, in Yankee…
Imagine groundwater seeping through rocks beneath the earth’s surface and large saturated reservoirs where it is held. Known as aquifers, they can be…
Joe Maddon '76 has been introduced as the new manager of the Chicago Cubs. Maddon most recently spent nine seasons as the head man with the Tampa Bay Rays…
During the summer of his junior year, Kevin Rhodes ’82 interned at Procter & Gamble’s New Jersey manufacturing plant. The experience not only confirmed…
A series of videos feature the antics of the Leopard and the Mountain Hawk as they try to get an edge on each other leading up to the 150th Lafayette-Lehigh…
Sunshine and autumn leaves set the backdrop for a festive Homecoming celebration Saturday. Students were treated to food, bands, and games at Leopards’…
By Carrie Havranek From her former career in the pharmaceutical industry, Adria Lazur Kinnier ’97 knows her way around labs. These days, her laboratory…
This summer, Anne Kaplan ’15 (New York, N.Y.) got a good look at her future by exploring global mass media during a 10-week internship at MTV/Viacom…
For Linh Nguyen ’14, a summer internship and networking with Lafayette alumni directly led to the job he wanted after graduation. Nguyen, an economics…