Jun 2, 2008
Professor Sharon Jones Becomes Director of the Engineering Division
She will begin a three-year term starting Aug. 1 Sharon A. Jones, professor of civil and environmental engineering and chair of Engineering Studies, has…
She will begin a three-year term starting Aug. 1 Sharon A. Jones, professor of civil and environmental engineering and chair of Engineering Studies, has…
Only two other exclusively undergraduate private liberal arts and engineering colleges among those in attendance had more students invited than Lafayette…
During winter break, 74 students shadowed alumni and parents at ESPN, ABC News World News, The New York Times, CNN Headline News, and many others During…
Our tour of Ground Zero. By Laura Werkheiser ’09 and Jeff Beavan ’09 Seventeen civil engineering majors from the Class of 2009 traveled to New York…
Lafayette is the only exclusively undergraduate liberal arts and engineering college among the 64 institutions whose students were honored Michael Adelman…
Lafayette is the only exclusively undergraduate liberal arts and engineering college among the 64 institutions whose students were honored Michael Adelman…
Civil engineering major will pursue Ph.D. at Stanford, Berkeley, or Illinois Christine Moore ’08 has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate…
Integrated design, sustainability, innovation are aims of Lafayette’s student team. Project: convert warehouse complex into middle school, community arts…
They will present information on their new Economic Empowerment and Global Learning Project this week at Bill Clinton’s inaugural Global Initiative University…
Civil engineering major continues her work with the ‘Student-Mentor Research Award Program’ Civil engineering major Lindsey Brough ’08 (Durham, Maine)…