Jul 21, 2022
Sunflower sale to support Ukraine
Lafayette College’s Office of Sustainability is selling sunflowers grown at the campus farm to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. In May, Josh…
Lafayette College’s Office of Sustainability is selling sunflowers grown at the campus farm to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. In May, Josh…
As President Nicole Farmer Hurd and Mayor Sal Panto cruise around College Hill, Panto shares his history on the Hill, his love of athletics, and his appreciation…
Easton and surrounding community members of all ages joined Lafayette students, faculty, and staff on the College’s Quad for a free starlit screening…
Lafayette Movies on the Quad, a free summer film screening series open to the public, is part of President Nicole Farmer Hurd’s initiative to bring the…
Office of Sustainability and Landis Center organized a popular re-sale event, where Easton neighbors purchased recycled goods at a deep discount.
Local news outlets reported on College's inaugural West Ward Sale, where Easton community members purchased items donated by students at a deep discount…
Long-running Lafayette program that provides hands-on learning to Easton elementary students expands to reach additional grade levels and new subject areas…
Hands-on economics research project is a win-win: Lafayette students help a Lehigh Valley senior living facility while gaining valuable real-world experience…
High school artists are creating a mural at a local health facility as part of Lafayette community-art program.
Student leaders, campus volunteers, community partners, and faculty who drive community-based learning and research were recognized at annual Landis Center…