Feb 28, 2008
Providing a Point of Reference
Alan Finder P’08, reporter for The New York Times, reflects on hosting externships for Natalie Cothren ’09 and Meghan Muldowney ’08 Alan Finder P’08…
Alan Finder P’08, reporter for The New York Times, reflects on hosting externships for Natalie Cothren ’09 and Meghan Muldowney ’08 Alan Finder P’08…
Meghan Muldowney ’08 shares her experiences externing at The New York Times Meghan Muldowney ’08 (Norwalk, Conn.) is an English and anthropology &…
English major shares her experiences exploring career options Natalie Cothren ’09 (Akron, Ohio), an English major, recently explored the inner workings…
Accomplished graffiti artist will display his work in connection with John “Crash” Matos exhibit When Felix Forster ’09 (Rostock, Germany) is not…
Topics include cancer, eye studies, food-borne parasites, and the effects of alcohol Eleven biology majors and one neuroscience major will be presenting…
She worked with producer Barbara Friedman P’11 on production related to presidential primaries Katherine Sobotka ’08 (Medford, N.Y.) is majoring in…
She plans to enter news industry upon graduation Christine Welsh ’08 (Long Valley, N.J.) is a government and law major with a minor in anthropology and…
He served an externship with Paul Lanna ’99, V.P. of investment banking at EarlyBirdCapital, Inc., in New York City Michael Miller ’10 (Princeton,…
Vice president of investment at New York City banking firm spent a week with Michael Miller ’10 Paul Lanna ’99 is the vice president of investment…
He discusses his experiences studying abroad in Tokyo Samuel Levin ’09 (Weston, Fla.) is majoring in economics and East Asian studies, with a focus on…