Aug 21, 2007
An Alaskan Adventure
Eric Ricci ’08 writes about his field research in Denali National Park Eric Ricci ’08 (Staten Island, N.Y.) is a geology major. He spent the summer…
Eric Ricci ’08 writes about his field research in Denali National Park Eric Ricci ’08 (Staten Island, N.Y.) is a geology major. He spent the summer…
Francisco Flores will meet with students and lecture on ‘Making Small Nations Great through the Principles of Freedom’ The Policy Studies program,…
Nigel Martin ’10 writes about his experience with groundbreaking sustainability research Nigel Martin ’10 (Elkins, W.Va.) is an A.B. engineering major…
EXCEL students worked under the guidance of Joshua Sanborn, associate professor of history Two students are providing unique help to Joshua Sanborn, associate…
Professors Chris Ruebeck, Sharon Jones and Jeff Pfaffmann create interdisciplinary experience for students People might have environmental concerns when…
Brian Mason ’08 writes about his summer with The Online NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Brian Mason ’08 (Manchester, Conn.) is an international affairs major…
He served a summer internship with Jonathan Ellis ’98 Working as a member of a team is an integral part of many post-collegiate endeavors. As an intern…
Ashley Wilson ’08 writes about her semester studying in Trinidad and Tobago Ashley Wilson ’08 (New York, N.Y.) is a Posse Scholar and is majoring in…
Lafayette partners with community to tackle environmental concerns through innovative research Civil engineering major Lindsey Brough ’08 (Durham, Maine)…
Grant provides biology major with financial support to continue environmental science research Biology major Hannah Fink ’09 (Whitehall, Pa.) was recently…