May 15, 2002
Theta Chi and Tri-Delt Win 2001-2002 Greek Intramural Championships
Theta Chi and Tri-Delt won the McGaughey Trophy for the Greek intramural championship in the men’s and women’s categories, respectively, for the 2001-2002…
Theta Chi and Tri-Delt won the McGaughey Trophy for the Greek intramural championship in the men’s and women’s categories, respectively, for the 2001-2002…
Over 30 mechanical engineering majors in the Manufacturing and Design class will race mini-dragsters noon today on a 26-foot track in the Marlo Room of…
After graduating this month, Devin Wallace ’02, a computer science major from Ridgefield, Conn., will work as a software engineer in the research and development…
Two Lafayette students will serve paid internships in Germany this summer through a new program established by the department of foreign languages and…
Juniors Ryan Rubino (Brookline, Mass.), Jonathan Elam (Naples, N.Y.), and Dane Brodber (Kingston, Jamaica) emerged from a ten-team field of mechanical…
Lafayette will award honorary doctorates to three distinguished leaders as part of the College’s 167th Commencement exercises Saturday, May 25. It will…
The National Science Foundation has awarded a $124,254 grant to William D. Jemison, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Lafayette…
Gary Gordon, professor of mathematics, was one of two featured speakers at the State System of Higher Education-Mathematics Association Conference last…
Jill Geisenheimer ’02, an International Affairs major from Upper Saddle River, N.J., has accepted an associate position with SEI Investments in Oak, Pa…
Marquis Scholar Heather Badamo ’03 (Dubois, Pa.) is conducting research this semester on the changing role of the Virgin Mary in Byzantine art over the…