Nov 17, 2004
Hillel Society Bringing Holocaust Survivor to Campus for Talk Thursday
Tom Breslauer will speak about his experience in the Holocaust 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Hillel House. Free pizza will be served at the event, sponsored…
Tom Breslauer will speak about his experience in the Holocaust 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Hillel House. Free pizza will be served at the event, sponsored…
Four or five A.B. engineering graduates will discuss their career choices from 5:30-7 p.m. tomorrow in Acopian Engineering Center room 206. A.B. engineering…
Joel B. Grossman ’74 has made significant improvements as chief operating officer and chief financial officer of Metrokane, the New York-based maker of…
Throughout the ages in the Dagara nation within Ghana, women were forbidden to play the gyil, one of the many kinds of West African marimbas. Valerie Naranjo…
Marciano Palha De Sousa ’07 (Harare, Zimbabwe) intends to explore a career in engineering, but recently he delved into his musical side. He leaned on his…
On many a late night in Hugel Science Center, Lyle Hoffman, professor and head of physics, looks for clues to the origin of the universe. He is contemplating…
The meeting was called to order at 4:17 pm. Twelve members were present. Minutes from October 25 were approved. Motion: Stephen Second: Amaya Motion Passes…
The Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) fraternity will ask the campus to donate items for its 3rd annual Thanksgiving food drive Nov. 15-19, when a large shipping…
After spending ten months abroad as chief legal adviser to the U.S. Army General in charge of Afghan reconstruction, Lieutenant Colonel Platte Moring will…
When Trustee Scholar Veronica Hart ’05 (Sewanee, Tenn.) spent a semester in Spain, she learned how the legacy of dictator Francisco Franco affected an…