Jan 17, 2013
First Address to the Lafayette Community by Alison Byerly
Below is the transcript of Alison Byerly‘s first address to the Lafayette community upon her appointment as president yesterday. Thank you very much for…
Below is the transcript of Alison Byerly‘s first address to the Lafayette community upon her appointment as president yesterday. Thank you very much for…
After being announced yesterday as Lafayette’s 17th president, Alison Byerly introduced herself to the college community during a special program in Pfenning…
Today, Lafayette hosted the first of several events introducing Alison Byerly to the campus community as the 17th president of the College. After brief…
A beautiful layer of snow recently covered the campus. Check out a photo gallery of winter images. View and share more winter photos on Flickr Photos by…
Rebecca Citrin ’14 (Springfield, N.J.) loves to see kids get excited about science and technology. She has put countless hours into two projects to help…
If anyone wonders whether the arts are alive and well in higher education, they need look no further than the College’s Creative and Performing Arts…
Intellectually adventurous students have an exciting new campus living option in the Grossman House for Global Perspectives. Grossman House allows students…
The Music Department celebrated the holidays with winter concerts by its student ensembles. Students from any major can perform in a variety of ensembles…
Nestor Armando Gil, assistant professor of art, presented the multimedia installation Pan (Myotopia) this fall in the Williams Visual Arts Building’s…
Each Tuesday and Thursday, the brothers of Lafayette’s Rho chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) are hard at work in study halls with faculty adviser…