Aug 26, 2019
Welcome Back!
To the Lafayette Community: One of the most frequent comments I hear from alumni who return for Reunion each June is that “the campus looks so different…
To the Lafayette Community: One of the most frequent comments I hear from alumni who return for Reunion each June is that “the campus looks so different…
Donor funding is giving students greater opportunities to learn, establish relationships, build résumés, and expand Lafayette’s reputation as a national…
Six people from the college and community are inaugural members of a planning committee seeking ways to further strengthen Easton.
Howard Schoor ’61 helped design and build the approach roads to the Verrazano Bridge and led one of the largest engineering firms on the East Coast.…
The Krivoski Fund is available for students who experience a crisis and require financial assistance for basic needs like food, clothing, a plane ticket…
January interim session allowed for a tear-out-everything HGTV-style renovation project at Acopian Engineering Center and provided a glimpse of things…
Student-athletes don't hold back as they do impressions of their coaches. (VIDEO)
Compare old and new photos of campus locations improved through Lafayette's Live Connected, Lead Change campaign.
By Kathleen Parrish National Book Lovers Day is your excuse to find your favorite reading spot and devote Friday to enjoying a good book. Here are some…
By Bryan Hay Hilary Schmidt ’15 is part of a wave of young women engineers moving into leadership positions and breaking the gender glass ceiling for…