Oct 5, 2021
50th Anniversary of Women’s Athletics at Lafayette College
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of women's athletics at Lafayette
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of women's athletics at Lafayette
Photo galleries capture the excitement surrounding the installation of Lafayette College's 18th president.
Photo gallery captures the spirit of "Farmer Fest," a trivia night on the Quad.
Photo galleries capture the joyous scenes of Family Weekend.
Whether it is a lab in Acopian Engineering Center, the Portlock Black Cultural Center, or Van Wickle Hall, there are many locations on Lafayette’s campus…
Meet the newest members of Lafayette College's faculty.
Professor Kelleher is a hydrologist who studies how human activity shapes water quantity and quality within rivers and watersheds.
Professor Stein wants government and law students to leave class feeling empowered to enact change in their communities.
Professor Fronsman-Cecil is working on manuscript for first book, which won the Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in French in 2019.
Professor Almeida has years of professional experience as an architect and focuses on sustainable buildings and practices.