Oct 4, 2017
Keeping Up with Fast-Moving Field of Data Science
By Katie Neitz Every day, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced. And the volume and speed at which that is happening will only grow. This has fueled…
Academic News
By Katie Neitz Every day, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are produced. And the volume and speed at which that is happening will only grow. This has fueled…
By Bryan Hay Lafayette’s engineering program moved up to 12th place in the nation among primarily undergraduate programs in the latest ranking by U.S…
By Bill Landauer Alessandro Giovannelli, associate professor of philosophy, has for years probed for deep aesthetic relationships in movies. Recently,…
By Stephen Wilson The Experts Amy Guisinger Assistant Professor of Economics Chris Ruebeck Associate Professor of Economics Sears Holdings Corp. announced…
By Bill Landauer The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded Lafayette a $125,000 grant for the College’s part in continuing to build a digital…
By Mark Eyerly The start of an academic year brings opportunities for College leadership to remind the community of the values that underlie a liberal…
By Stephen Wilson Brooks Thomas, assistant professor of physics, has received a three-year, $120,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to…
By Bryan Hay 7:45 a.m. You can almost feel the curiosity, maybe a little anxiety, in Room 115 at Hugel Science Center. It’s Aug. 28, the first day of…
By Bill Landauer Rachel Robertson ’18 was packing for a vacation trip to the Pacific Northwest when she checked her phone. There was a message from Frankie…
Tawiq Alhamedi ’17 is among 19 Lafayette students who presented their findings at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Sharing his findings…