May 31, 2023
Jonathan Ford ’23 to join Peace Corps in Moldova
Gladstone Whitman Fellow wants to ‘make a difference in a bold way.’
Gladstone Whitman Fellow wants to ‘make a difference in a bold way.’
Prof. Mark Crain is included in the 2023 edition of Best Scientists in Political Science.
Nisan Basciftci ’26 will be part of University of Chicago’s Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute.
Real estate seminar helps students consider career opportunities and prepare for Dyer’s annual real estate competition
During a Feb. 13 appearance on NPR’s Marketplace, Julie Smith, professor of economics, offered her views on the latest consumer price index report from…
Adam Biener, assistant professor of economics, helps facilitate groundbreaking report with JustLeadershipUSA and the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
Prof. Julie Smith tells NPR's Marketplace that the 2% inflation target originated in New Zealand
Economics Prof. Julie Smith, a frequent guest on Marketplace, NPR's flagship business news program, discusses how long it take for Fed's interest rate…
Economics Prof. Joaquín Gómez-Miñambres to discuss economic implications of trust and reciprocity in employer-employee relationships during Jones Faculty…
Flippers continue to gamble by buying and selling, Prof. Steven Swidler tells Bloomberg