Dec 19, 2018
The Class: “Spectacles of Revenge”
By Kathleen Parrish The backstory: It was Shakespeare who wrote, “And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?” Who hasn’t fantasized about raining…
By Kathleen Parrish The backstory: It was Shakespeare who wrote, “And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?” Who hasn’t fantasized about raining…
Story and photos by Stephen Wilson A message from the College is received by a 17-year-old via social media. A variation of that message is being sent…
After a semester's worth of learning, students seek to prove their mastery of course material as they compose major papers and study for exams. Photographer…
By Jill Spotz Amid nearly 700 cheering alumni and friends, flying confetti, lighted leopard spots, and sounds of “Guns and Ships” from the musical…
Story by Stephen Wilson, photos by Clay Werzynowicz A woman writes, legs elevated in what looks like a patio recliner, with a notebook and pen in hand…
By Kathleen Parrish What’s it about? Humans’ complicated relationship with dogs. While they may be good for us—some scientists believe without them…
Story and photos by Stephen Wilson The planets plan a surprise birthday for the sun. The night is going perfectly until Pluto walks in. The planets feel…
Story and photos by Stephen Wilson Hungry for a win, Lafayette entered Rivalry Week with one goal: End hunger. Sure, the game against Lehigh was important…
The story of David McDonogh 1844, Lafayette’s first African American graduate and America’s first black eye doctor, is only now slowly emerging from…
By Mark Eyerly What’s the focus? Both courses provide a historical perspective on baseball, through which students explore economics, statistics, racism…