Oct 31, 2000
Master Pianist Garrick Ohlsson Visits Lafayette’s Williams Center Nov. 11
Beethoven sonatas and Rachmaninoff preludes will be featured in a concert by pianist Garrick Ohlsson at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, at Lafayette’s Williams…
Beethoven sonatas and Rachmaninoff preludes will be featured in a concert by pianist Garrick Ohlsson at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, at Lafayette’s Williams…
Choreographer and dancer Molissa Fenley returns to Lafayette with new dances and intriguing collaborators — including a Lafayette student — for an 8 p…
Installation has begun to replace the once state-of-the-art system that transmits digital information throughout the Lafayette College campus with a high…
Lafayette’s new Temple Visiting Lecture Series, focusing on African Americans in the arts, debuts November 1, 2, and 6. The McDonogh Report celebrates…
Lafayette students and community members have worked with mixed media artist Martha Posner to construct “Offering Place,” a conical-roofed, circular, hut-like…
With an array of contemporary musical styles that some have compared to the early career years of Kronos, Philip Glass, and Laurie Anderson, the Bang On…
Lafayette psychology graduates who are now pursuing careers in a variety of “people-oriented” fields will share their professional experiences and expertise…
To mark the ten-year anniversary of the reunification of Germany, Kerstin Bast-Haider of the University of Göttingen in Germany, will speak on “Stopping…
Under the guidance of guest director Laura Johnson Lafayette College Theater will stage George Bernard Shaw’s classic comedy Major Barbara at 8 p.m., October…
Peter Boskovic, the Yugoslav ambassador to Cyprus from 1988-1993, will speak on “Present Trends and Future Prospects in the Balkans in View of the Recent…