Mar 9, 2022
Supporting the student experience
Learn how parents of Lafayette students—like Russ Cranswick P’23 and Sheila Black P’23—are taking an active role in the College community.
Learn how parents of Lafayette students—like Russ Cranswick P’23 and Sheila Black P’23—are taking an active role in the College community.
Acopian’s spaces welcome more students and send a tangible message about Lafayette’s position as a top-ranked engineering school.
Changes to the College’s financial aid approach will create more opportunities to "develop leaders and activate talent across our nation.”
Photo galleries capture the joyous scenes of Family Weekend.
Learn how parents and families of Lafayette students have provided support and resources that prepare Lafayette students for success after they graduate…
Meet 10 first-year students who have found a home at Lafayette. Their varied life experiences, perspectives, and talents will impact campus—and the world…
Support your fellow Pards by buying from alumni-based businesses this holiday season
Lafayette takes measures to support health and well-being of campus community.
Chronicle of Higher of Education quotes Amy Blythe about how campuses are communicating their responses to the coronavirus outbreak.
Dyer Center fellows welcome students looking to access tools to make ideas come to life.