Apr 26, 2003
Take Back the Night Raises Awareness about Issue of Sexual Violence
Lafayette’s annual Take Back the Night included a campus talk, a candlelight vigil, and a march and “speak out” on campus on April 23. Sponsored by Association…
Lafayette’s annual Take Back the Night included a campus talk, a candlelight vigil, and a march and “speak out” on campus on April 23. Sponsored by Association…
A balloon launch will highlight a carnival hosted by Delta Upsilon fraternity on the Quad noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Proceeds will benefit Boys and Girls Club…
Played Out, Lafayette’s peer education drama group, will present the skits “Real Guys” and “Double Take” 10:30-11 p.m. today at Gilbert’s. The free event…
Lafayette College Theater will debut its production of Tom Stoppard’s The Real Inspector Hound 8 p.m. tonight at the Williams Center for the Arts Black…
Chi Phi fraternity and Alpha Phi sorority are holding a tennis tournament to benefit victims of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), a degenerative lung disease…
Tickets will go on sale this afternoon for a bus trip to see Cabaret on Broadway Saturday. They cost $10 and can be purchased starting 4 p.m. today at…
The meeting was called to order 4:19 pm. Fourteen members were present. Minutes from 4/3/03 were approved.Motion: JonPasses: Dan Lee Goldfarb, President…
“Lunch with the Bird Man” in the Farinon Center atrium will feature Tom Nelson and Hope Anwyll, directors of the Pennsylvania Raptor and Wildlife Association…
Hillel Society and the Chaplain’s Office are holding an Interfaith Seder 5:15-7 p.m. today in the Marlo Room of Farinon College Center. Members of all…
The meeting was called to order 4:20 pm. Thirteen members were present. Minutes from 3/27/03 were approved.Motion: JonPasses: Dan Lee Goldfarb, President…