Oct 18, 2002
Katherine Rewinkel ’03 Prepares to Write Original Play
Marquis Scholar Katherine Rewinkel ‘03 is immersed in an intensive research project on the works and philosophies of Bertolt Brecht, a German playwright…
Marquis Scholar Katherine Rewinkel ‘03 is immersed in an intensive research project on the works and philosophies of Bertolt Brecht, a German playwright…
Standup comedy by Kevin Hart of FOX Television’s ‘’Undeclared’’ and screenings of A Beautiful Mind are planned for this weekend’s entertainment at the…
A talk given recently at Lafayette College by biographer Harlow Giles Unger will be seen nationally on C-Span2’s “Book TV” on Oct. 19 and 20. Unger is…
Joseph Biondo, architect for Lafayette’s Williams Visual Arts Building, will return to his Easton masterpiece to exhibit “Material, Process, Product,”…
For her landmark work in melding girls into women of scientific promise, Dale McCreedy ’78 recently received the Maria Mitchell Women in Science Award…
The French government has honored Morris Metz ’50 for his heroic role in the liberation of France in World War II. The “Thank you America” campaign awards…
Lafayette College Student Government October 3, 2002 An official meeting of the 2002 Student Government was held in the Farinon Center, Room 12 at 7:05…
Marquis MailerOctober 17, 2002Volume 3, Issue 3 The leaves are changing on campus just in time for Homecoming this Saturday, Oct. 19. Come back to campus…
Dedication ceremonies for Oechsle Hall, new home of Lafayette’s programs in psychology and neuroscience, will be held 5 p.m. today in Alumni Memorial Plaza…
Research by ten Lafayette geology majors and faculty members will be featured in three presentations at the national meeting of Geological Society of America…