Jan 26, 2019
Destination: Weatherly, Pa.
Story and photos by Stephen Wilson The borough of Weatherly knows what time it is. The borough changed its name in 1848 to honor clockmaker David Weatherly…
Story and photos by Stephen Wilson The borough of Weatherly knows what time it is. The borough changed its name in 1848 to honor clockmaker David Weatherly…
By Kathleen Parrish Like most resident advisers, Robert Cuyjet ’19 negotiates roommate disputes, enforces quiet hours, and serves as a resource for students…
The gist: The 1960s is one of the most interesting, controversial, and discussed decades of the 20th century. The music, social changes, moon landing,…
To the College Community: I write to acknowledge with regret Provost Abu Rizvi’s decision to conclude his service as Provost at the end of the 2018-19…
Provost Abu Turab Rizvi sent the following update to the campus community on January 24, 2019 To the College Community: I am writing with the news that…
Story by Kathleen Parrish, photos by Clay Wegrzynowicz For the eight students in the advanced seminar taught by Ute Bettray, visiting professor of German…
Lafayette’s 2018 United Way campaign attracted 23 new donors who pledged $3,554 toward a campaign total of $51,885 raised. In all, 151 people, including…
Photographer Clay Wegrzynowicz showed what our campus looked like under a thin blanket of snow this weekend.
In the second part of a two-part series in Forbes on ways to improve college admissions, Ed Devine, west coast regional director of admissions, discusses…
Liberal arts colleges like Lafayette are using their winter breaks to provide increased career assistance to students and improve graduates’ placement…