Jun 23, 2020
How Roboticists (and Robots) Have Been Working from Home
Mechanical engineering professor and student have adapted to lab work at home.
Mechanical engineering professor and student have adapted to lab work at home.
A multidisciplinary Lafayette duo has been collecting coronavirus tweets to gather insights that may prove valuable to mitigate the outbreak and manage…
For her senior honors thesis, Rebecca Blocker ’20 (civil engineering) is conducting strength and density testing on foam glass to better understand how…
Lafayette College and Rowan University researchers are extracting chemical building blocks from biomass to produce a hard, durable plastic.
Students in Prof. Mark Crain’s senior seminar for policy studies majors explore the implications of AI in Lafayette Lens program on PSB39.
A group of alumni and their former faculty mentor have received a U.S. patent for their innovative digital musical instrument.
When President Daniel H. Weiss unveiled the College’s strategic plan in the fall of 2007, he said it was designed “to secure a place for Lafayette…
After she graduates from Lafayette, Andrea Mikol ’13 (Wind Gap, Pa.) plans to attend graduate school to study environmental engineering. She has already…
That little girl in the stroller at the anti-nuke rally? She grew up to be Emily Musil Church, assistant professor of history. Raised by parents who believed…
The lines above her brow etched deep by grinding despair, a woman shares her story of not having enough money at the end of the month. Across from her…