Nov 3, 2022
Miming robots
Students in Prof. Michael O’Neill’s FYS bridge the arts and sciences with robotic miming on campus
Students in Prof. Michael O’Neill’s FYS bridge the arts and sciences with robotic miming on campus
Five robots are cast in the play by Elizabeth Meriwether, a reimagining of Henrik Ibsen's classic drama Hedda Gabler.
Student groups showed off their footwork at the annual Dance Company Showcase. (PHOTOS)
By Stephen Wilson Regan Kinney ’20 stands on top of an overturned bucket so she can reach the top of her canvas—an exterior fiberboard panel 8 feet…
Emily Emick '20 took conducting lessons and conducted the Concert Choir in rehearsals and at its spring concert with the song she chose, “O Lux Beatissima”…
By Stephen Wilson A student travels to New York City and buys a fish. She returns to campus and uses a stethoscope and microphones to record the fish’s…
By Stephen Wilson A biology major composes a piece to be performed by the full Concert Band and based on a John Donne poem. Only at Lafayette. Her name…
By Stephen Wilson Improv in iambic pentameter. Shadow puppet cinema. Seriously good ukulele playing. The unique, renowned, and impactful events that make…
By Stephen Wilson How do you feel comfortable in your own skin? How do you navigate challenging situations? How do you appreciate what you have? Tough…
Lafayette Dance Company presented its spring showcase, featuring student-choreographed performances in styles including tap, hip hop, ballet, swing, jazz…