Jun 10, 2019
Conference Confidence
By Katie Neitz Several geology and environmental geosciences students recently presented their research at two regional conferences: the Northeast Section…
Academic News
By Katie Neitz Several geology and environmental geosciences students recently presented their research at two regional conferences: the Northeast Section…
By Katie Neitz Khadijah Mitchell, Peter C.S. d’Aubermont, M.D., Scholar of Health and Life Sciences and assistant professor of biology, has been awarded…
By Katie Neitz Lafayette’s steel bridge team not only successfully defended its title—it dominated the Student Steel Bridge Competition National Finals…
In April, 20 Lafayette students presented research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at Kennesaw State University in Georgia…
By Bryan Hay The research: Urban Renewal Projects and Urban Inequality in Istanbul, Turkey The team: Idil Tanrisever ’19, economics major, and Rexford…
By Katie Neitz The team: Adriana Pero ’19, neuroscience major, and Michelle Tomaszycki, assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience The research:…
By Kathleen Parrish The team: Leslie Seitz ’19, an English and philosophy double major, and Bianca Falbo, associate professor of English The research:…
By Katie Neitz The team: Matthew Adusei ’19, biology major, and James Dearworth, associate professor of biology and neuroscience The research: Detection…
By Morgan Strum ’19 Peter Höyng, professor of German studies at Emory University, delivered Lafayette’s annual Max Kade Distinguished Lecture in April…
By Bryan Hay Lafayette’s steel bridge team will be defending its national title this year backed by its first corporate sponsorship. The Harman Group…