Jan 24, 2014
Pard Tracks: Michele Tallarita ’12 Enjoys Fan Fiction Fame as ‘Angry Lobster’
Michele Tallarita ’12 has a secret identity. In the world of online fan fiction, she’s a popular author whose stories are read by thousands. It’s…
Michele Tallarita ’12 has a secret identity. In the world of online fan fiction, she’s a popular author whose stories are read by thousands. It’s…
By Sean Grim ’14 Elizabeth Anderson ’14 (Madison, N.J.) spent the spring 2013 semester in Florence, capturing Italian architecture with her handheld…
For anyone with a passion for art history, Venice is a must-see. “The amount of cultural heritage in Venice is inconceivable. Every campo has a famous…
Great minds think alike—but when they think differently, they can approach problems with a new level of understanding and insight. That’s the idea…
More than 150 students are studying in England, Ireland, Hawaii, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Peru, Russia, and South Africa during winter break. This is the…
Chemical engineering major Seth Gottlund ’14 (Kutztown, Pa.) is the Featured Student for January in ChEnected, an online publication of the American…
By Sean Grim ’14 Civil engineering major Emily Crossette ’15 (Glennfield, Pa.) is contributing to the cleanup of the local ecosystem by helping to…
This summer through a distinctive biology fellowship, Lindsay Marko ’14 was able to roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty, literally, while working…
Larry Galloway ’14 (Norristown, Pa.) recently combined his fascination with materials science, his passion for photography, and his interest in space…
Men’s lacrosse player Brendan Gover ’14 (Somerset, N.J.) discusses the real-world applications of economics, a future career in finance, and the importance…